Culture Café: The future of work

RUUF (St. Elisabeth Monastery) Duxgass 55, Schaan, Liechtenstein

Managers from Liechtenstein and the Rhine Valley are invited to work together on the challenges of the "future of work". In the case clinic format, SMEs present real-life cases, while participants develop new perspectives and ideas for solutions through valuable dialog and active listening. Organizer: Meet Your Purpose

Culture Café: The future of work

RUUF (St. Elisabeth Monastery) Duxgass 55, Schaan, Liechtenstein

Managers from Liechtenstein and the Rhine Valley are invited to work together on the challenges of the "future of work". In the case clinic format, SMEs present real-life cases, while participants develop new perspectives and ideas for solutions through valuable dialog and active listening. Organizer: Meet Your Purpose

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