Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA)

Where does your team stand in terms of digital maturity?

Take part in this Europe-wide survey to check the digital maturity level of your company or public institution. is conducting the DMA on behalf of the EU and the Government of Liechtenstein: a standardized online survey for all SMEs and public sector teams in Liechtenstein. Invest 10-15 minutes and contribute to making Liechtenstein more digital and sustainable!

"The best way to predict the future is to shape it."

Peter Drucker

Why should I take part?

By taking part in the online DMA, you not only gain insights into your digital maturity, but also identify potential for the development of your organization and can later compare yourself with other countries. SMEs and the public sector from all over Europe take part in the survey.

Gain in-depth insights

Find out where you and your organization stand in terms of digitalization and sustainability and which opportunities are still untapped.


See how you perform in a country comparison and identify potential for improvement.

Strategic decision-making

Use the results as a basis for the further development of your strategy.

"We inspire SMEs and the public sector in Liechtenstein to make a positive digital transformation that connects people through trust, transparency and purposeful action."

This is how the Digital Maturity Assessment works

It's quick and easy.

Step 1

Fill in the online questionnaire

Invest 10-15 minutes and make a contribution,

Step 2

Receive results

We will inform you promptly about the results via News.

Step 3

Participate in the Open Space

Take the opportunity to exchange ideas and network on March 14, 2024 and register now here an.