5 ways in which purposeful collaboration already works today

If you talk to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or the public sector in Liechtenstein, you will notice an interesting change: Fewer and fewer are questioning the hypothesis that purpose and profit don't have to be antithetical. In fact, a growing number of executives recognize that these two elements can go hand in hand.

Why are more and more people thinking about meaning-making right now?

Well, there are a few reasons for that:

  • The time is ripe for it: In fast-paced, technology-driven everyday life, people want more than just a job - they are looking for meaning in their work.
  • Optimism makes school: More and more people are realizing that it is perfectly possible to run a profitable business that is also meaningful.
  • Follow the inner drive: People feel motivated to do their best when they follow their inner drive rather than primarily following rules.

How do purpose and profit come together?

Here are five proven ways you can implement meaningful collaboration in your organization:

1. impact business models

This is not just a hip business idea for start-ups. Impact business models are profitable and sustainable. They can be implemented by any existing SME and also in the public sector: Today, smart business models take sustainable impact into account from the very beginning.

2. empowerment as an organizational principle

When employees are empowered, they can take responsibility and work in a meaningful way. The result: greater engagement, productivity - and profit. "But I'm losing control," you say? No, you're gaining a team that doesn't just work for the paycheck.

3. radical focus on impact

Yes, there are always a million things to do. But the truth is: Not every pursuit is meaningful. So why waste your energy and resources on them? Focus radically on what really matters - and leave out the rest from the start.

4. commitment and clear responsibilities

Both are important, and not just for your kids' schoolwork. They are key to keeping sense-making at the top of the agenda in your organization. The result is simple: everyone knows what needs to be done and why it's important.

5. allow new

Innovation usually comes about through dialog. If this is to produce fundamentally new results, more than just "good listening" is required. You also have to open your mind to solutions that may seem unattainable. You may be thinking, "But that sounds like a lot of work." It is. While you're at it, think of the reward: innovations that really move the country forward.

Are you ready?

Enough theory. Now it's time to put these principles into practice. And what better place to start than with a clear picture of what you really need and where you want to go? That's exactly what our needs assessment conversations provide. And the best part? The appointment is just a click away.

Are you ready?

We're glad you asked! Book your appointment directly with us to start this essential first step of the innovation process - the needs analysis. We can't wait to work with you to tackle the challenges and drive digital innovation in your business.

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