The future of work in Liechtenstein: reducing pressure - keeping effectiveness and enjoyment high
The future of work is the focus of a groundbreaking meeting that took place on April 19 at RUUF in Schaan. Under the auspices of digihub.li and Meet Your Purpose, more than 20 managers came together to discuss innovative solutions to the challenges of the world of work.
The future of work is the focus of a groundbreaking meeting that took place yesterday at RUUF in Schaan. Under the auspices of digihub.li and Meet Your Purpose, more than 20 managers came together to discuss innovative solutions to the challenges of the world of work.
Representatives from various SMEs shared their current opportunities and challenges:
Manuel Pfiffner from sl.one reported on agile working methods and autonomous teams in the IT sector, while Noelle Sele from RUUF presented new approaches for more flexible working hours in the catering industry. Mathias Hemmerle from AREVA discussed how part-time work can contribute to securing skilled workers.
During the course of the event, groups were formed around three main topics, which will be further developed in the coming months with the support of digihub.li and Meet Your Purpose:
1. team communication: This group focuses on how team communication can be improved, especially in times of rapid change. Digitalization and AI are bringing people to the fore and calling for new approaches to openness and trust. To this end, training opportunities are to be created and a digital communication platform made available.
2. culture cockpit: The aim here is to develop tools that provide a direct overview of the mood and culture in the company and map these over time. The aim is also to create easy-to-implement solutions for SMEs to keep happiness and productivity at a high level. Three companies are interested in developing prototypes together with Meet Your Purpose.
3rd SME training platform: This group aims to bring together various interested parties - from the University of Liechtenstein to the Chamber of Commerce - to work together on a platform. The aim is to create practical tools and training courses to meet current and future challenges, specifically tailored to the needs of SMEs in Liechtenstein. This includes digital offerings as well as face-to-face meetings. SMEs are encouraged to play an active role in the development of the offerings.
Follow-up meetings on all three topics will take place over the next few weeks. The first results will be presented at the next "Future of Work Café" on August 30. Interested parties will have the opportunity to actively participate in these discussions.